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- CONSULTANT to Florida Attorney General’s Office on ADA Title II Litiagtion. Inspection of Tomoka Correctional Institution, July 2015
- CONSULTANT to Butte County Jail, Oroville, CA. Security Systems Analysis. August 2010 – 2014
- CONSULTANT on security and CPTED to Dagliesh, Gilpin, & Paxton Architects on the Madison County , VA. Courthouse Phase II expansion and renovations. November 2007- October 2008.
- CONSULTANT on Krome Avenue Detention Center Expansion Project and Corrections Master Plan. Miami Dade County. September 2007 – present.
- CONSULTANT AND EXPERT TESTIMONY For the Federal Defender Program Inc., on Lumpkin County Jail , Georgia, jail escapes and negligent security design. Jan. 2004
- CONSULTANT for U.S. Dept. Of Justice, National Institute of Corrections, for the Idaho Department of Corrections. ADA Accessibility Compliance Audit. Boise, Idaho. May 18-25,2003
- Marion County Jail Expansion Master Plan and Program with Jacobs Group, Ocala, Fl. Oct. 2001 Lake County, Illinois Jail Overcrowding Study.
- Technical Assistance for the National Institute of Corrections. July 1998.
- Kane County Juvenile Detention Center, Kane County Illinois. 1998
- Palm Beach Stockade: Construction verification analysis. West Palm Beach, Fla. 1996
- Monroe County Jail Expansion Study: Jackson Square vs. Stock Island. Key West, Fla. 1991 with PBSJ.
- Chillicothe Correctional Institution, Ohio; 1000 man podular remote facility and master plan. $50 million (with HDR)
- Folsom State Prison Expansion, California; 1000 man, site adaptation & corrections master plan. (with HDR)
- Yolo County Jail, California; 350 man podular/direct supervision facility & master plan. $35 million (with HDR)
- Dade County Stockade Expansion, Miami, Florida; 1000 man podular/direct supervision facility. $37 million (with Harper & Carreno) $40 million.
- Hillsborough County Detention Facility, Florida; 1,325 man podular/direct supervision facility. $45 million. Consulting for Ranon Bentler & Partners.
- Polk County Correctional Facility, Florida; 600 man facility. $17 million. Consulting for Architects Design Group.
- Miami Metropolitan Correctional Center (Federal Bureau of Prisons), Florida; New Housing Addition. $5 million. Consulting with Spillis Candela Partners.
- Thomas Juvenile Justice Center; St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; $7 million. Consulting with Spillis Candela Partners.
- Duval County Jail; Florida. Programming for New Direct Supervision 624-bed facility. $26.5 million. Consulting with Voinovich & Associates.
- Suffolk County Jail, Boston, Massachusetts; 435 bed podular; programming and schematic design for a remote facility;$43 million. Consulting for Cruz-Stark Associates and Sert Jackson Architects.
- Krome Avenue Detention Service Center Expansion and Renovation, (Immigration Naturalization Services), Florida;$5 million. Consulting for Spillis Candela Partners.
- Congress Building Study as Downtown Miami Jail site, Miami, Florida; Consulting for HCDA.
- Lynwood Regional Justice Center Program Evaluation, Los Angeles, California; with Corrections Services Group.
- Broward County Florida Corrections Master Plan, Building Evaluation. Consulting with Corrections Services Group.
- Montgomery County, Maryland Corrections Master plan, Program Evaluation with Corrections Services Group.
- Metrowest Jail Expansion Phase II & III C, Design, Security Systems & Detention Equipment for two 1000 bed jails. 9001 Venture Ltd. Miami, 1990 – 1993.
- Portage County Criminal Justice Master Plan, Jail Evaluation and Staff Analysis. Development of RFP, Architect Selection Process, Schematic Design. Portage County, Ohio. 1988
- Miami Metropolitan Detention Center, Construction Management Review for CRSS and CSG. Miami,1991.
- Expansion Analysis for Cecil County Community Adult Detention Center for the National Institute of Corrections. March 1987.
- Jail Evaluation and Retrofit Analysis for Harolson County Georgia for the National Institute of Corrections. February 1986.
- Jail Renovation and Feasibility Study for the Ft. Lauderdale Police Department for the National Institute of Corrections. September 1984.
- Architectural Program Analysis for Multnomah County Sentenced Offender Facility for the National Institute of Corrections. June 1987.
- Expansion Analysis of the Orange County Jail, Hillsboro North Carolina for the National Institute of Corrections. May 1987.
- Jail Evaluation and Retrofit Analysis for Ashland County, Ohop for the National Institute of Corrections. January 1987.
- Feasibility Study for the Conversion of the Washoe County Detention Annex to a Direct Supervision facility for the National Institute of Corrections. April 1987.
- Conduct a Local Corrections Systems Assessment for the Cecil County SheriffÕs Department in Elkton, Maryland for the National Institute of Corrections. March 1991.
- Expansion Analysis for the Corrections Alternative Center for Essex County Massachusetts for the National Institute of Corrections. January 1987.
- Cost Analysis and Plan Review for Hillsborough County, New Hampshire for the National Institute of Corrections. March 1986.
- Manatee County, Florida Corrections Master Plan Review for the National Institute of Corrections. June 1985.
- Jail Evaluation and Feasibility Analysis for Burke County Georgia for the National Institute of Corrections. July 1985.
- Technical assistance and staffing analysis of the Pueblo County Colorado SheriffÕs Department Detention facility for the National Institute of Corrections. October 1988.
- Jail Evaluation and Overcrowding Analysis for Westmoreland County Pennsylvania for the National Institute of Corrections. May 1986.
- Expansion feasibility study for the INS facility in Florence Arizona for the National Institute of Corrections. August 1984.
- Jail and Courthouse Site Analysis for Martin County Florida for the National Institute of Corrections. May 1985.
- Analysis of the San Miguel County Las Vegas new Mexico Jail for the National Institute of Corrections. June 1987.
- Jail Evaluation and Retrofit Analysis for Montgomery County Ohio for the National Institute of Corrections. January 1987.
- Americans With Disabilities Training to the Louisiana Department of Corrections for the National Institute of Corrections. July 1994.
- Jail Evaluation and Suicide Prevention Program for the Salt River Reservation Detention Center Phoenix Arizona for the National Institute of Corrections. April 1987.
- American with Disabilities Act Training to the Florida Department of Corrections for the National Institute of Corrections. April 1994.