At, we respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and are committed to protecting the personal information collected about you. To further this commitment, we have adopted this Online Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) to guide how we collect, store, and use the information you provide us at our website: (“Site”), which is hosted and operated from the United States.

This Privacy Policy will tell you:

• The scope of this Privacy Policy
• Exactly what information may collect from you online
• How will use the information it collects
• Who collects the information that you disclose on the Site, and with whom such information is shared
• What are the consequences if you refuse to provide your Personally Identifiable Information to when requested
•’s policy regarding links to websites operated by other companies
• How you can view and, if necessary, update or delete the Personally Identifiable Information has already collected and stored about you
• The steps takes to ensure the security, quality, and integrity of the Personally Identifiable Information it collects from online visitors
• The information you need to ask a question or file a complaint regarding this Privacy Policy or’s online information practices
•’s policy regarding collecting information from children under the age of 13

The scope of this Privacy Policy:

Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to information submitted and collected by online through the Site and not to information that offline may collect. In addition, this Privacy Policy applies to only and not to websites maintained by our affiliates or other companies or organizations to which we link. This Privacy Policy no longer applies when you connect to these websites or any other sites from the Site. is, therefore, not responsible for the content or activities provided on such sites.

By using and submitting personally identifiable information to the Site, you signify your assent to’s Privacy Policy. Please do not use the Site if you disagree with this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting the change on the Site or in this Privacy Policy and, if necessary, give you additional choices. Please check back occasionally to ensure you are aware of these changes. You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the “Last Updated” legend at the top of this page. Your continued use of the Site will signify your acceptance of these changes.

What types of information does Collect? gathers two basic types of information through the Site: “Personally Identifiable Information” (or “PII”) and “Non-Personally Identifiable Information” (or “Non-PII”). Personally Identifiable Information identifies you as an individual: your name, postal address, telephone number, email address, and any username and password you create on the Site. PII also includes payment information, including, without limitation, your credit card number, the expiration date of your credit card, your billing address, and your shipping information (collectively, “Payment Information”). Non-personally identifiable Information is any other information, such as aggregated information, demographic information, IP addresses, and any additional information that does not reveal your specific identity.

(i) Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

You do not have to provide PII to use the Site. However, for you to take advantage of particular opportunities provided through the Site (for example, to register to enter an online tournament or to make a purchase), we may require that you furnish PII. We collect PII from you only if you voluntarily provide it to us — for example, when you register to enter an online tournament or for a chance to win a prize when you register to receive our newsletters, when you make a purchase through the Site or when you contact us through the Site. Please note that before you can use some of the activities above, you may be required to register and create a username and password.

(ii) Non-Personally Identifiable Information

When you visit and interact with the Site, and third parties with whom has contracted to provide services to may collect Non-PII (for example, a catalog of the Site pages you visit). Non-PII is generally collected from five different sources: cookies, IP addresses, MAC addresses, log files, and information you voluntarily provide.

  1. a) Cookies
    We may use cookies on the Site. A “cookie” is a small bit of recordkeeping information that sites often store on a user’s computer. Cookies are typically used to quickly identify a user’s computer and “remember” things about the user’s visit. For example, uses cookies to keep track of your preferences and your username and password. Information contained in a cookie may be linked to your PII for this purpose. You can turn off cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent to your computer, although this may affect your ability to use many of the features on the Site.
  2. b) IP Addresses
    An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a number used by computers on the network to identify your computer every time you log on to the Internet. Although we do not generally collect IP addresses, we may collect and use your IP address when we feel it necessary to protect our service, the Site, customers, or others.
  3. c) Log Files
    Other Non-PII that Atlas Safety & Security, Inc. may collect is in the form of logs – files that record website activity, including how many “hits” a particular web page is getting (a.k.a. “navigational data”). These entries are generated anonymously, enabling to gather statistics about users’ browsing habits, assess overall website activity, track interest in advertised sales, and maintain website security. We also use the log file entries for our internal marketing and demographic studies to improve the online services we provide you constantly. Log files are used internally only and may be combined with data collected via cookies to help us aggregate behavior patterns of registered users.
  4. d) Other Information Collected Automatically
    When you participate in an Event (as defined below) through the Site, we may collect certain other information about you or your computer, such as your game board serial number.
  5. e) Information You Voluntarily Provide also collects Non-PII (e.g., your interests and demographic information, such as geographic location, etc.) when you voluntarily provide such information to us.

How does use the information it collects?

(i) Personally Identifiable Information

Generally, the PII we collect for a particular purpose is used only for that purpose. For example, if you email us a question, your PII will only be used to respond to your inquiry. Similarly, PII collected from those who register on the Site provides registrants the benefits of registration, which often include a subscription to our newsletter, access to the latest game news and special offers, contests, tournament prize claims, and other features.

Suppose you wish to purchase any product or service available through the Site (each such purchase is a “Transaction”). In that case, we may collect Payment Information related to such Transactions from you. We may use such Payment Information to complete the Transaction and, if applicable, fulfill your purchase. We may also provide such Payment Information to third parties to complete your Transaction (for example, to process your credit card).

In some instances, however, you may also be given the option to have your PII used for an activity or service different from the action or service you are requesting (for example, add your email address to our newsletter mailing list when entering a contest). If you choose to receive these additional services, we will use your PII to provide them.

From time to time, we are approached by third-party companies and organizations that provide products or services that we believe may interest you. To extend these products or services to you, we may use your PII to send out notices on their behalf, subject to your right to opt-out (See “Can I choose how my Personally Identifiable Information is used? below). We strive to limit the notices and communications to those we think you would appreciate receiving.

We may use your PII to send you service announcements that tell you about updates to our Privacy Policy, changes to our online service or customer service policies, and other related service changes (Critical Emails). Because this information may be critical to your use of the Site, you may not opt out of receiving these emails.

In addition, PII may be used for our internal marketing and demographic studies to improve our online products and services and better meet your needs. Additionally, we may use the PII we collect to ensure that someone cheating is excluded and enforce our rights under our Terms of Service. No matter what method we use to collect PII or how we use that information, we will only collect the PII deemed reasonably necessary to fulfill your online requests and our legitimate business objectives.

(ii) Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Because Non-PII collected on the Site does not personally identify you, CPTED-Security.commay use Non-PII for any purpose. For example, Non-PII may be used for our internal marketing and demographic studies so we can constantly improve the online products and services we provide you and better meet your needs, and such Non-PII may also be analyzed to track your standing in an Event (as defined below), the popularity of certain pages of the Site, the success of our email notifications, traffic levels on the Site and other usage data, all of which helps us to improve the Site and related services and to gauge interest in the Site and

Who is collecting my information, and is it shared with anyone?

(i) Personally Identifiable Information

Generally, the PII you disclose on the Site is collected by or a service provider on’s behalf and is used according to the practices set forth above. Service Providers (or agents) are entities that provide support for the internal operations of the Site and who only use the PII we share with them for the purpose of carrying out the service you have requested (e.g., newsletter delivery, fulfillment of contest entries, and fulfillment of any Transactions, including processing your credit card).

Through the Site, we may operate sweepstakes, contests, tournaments, and similar promotions, events, and activities (“Events”). We typically ask you for certain PII when you enter and, if applicable, win an Event. We reserve the right to share this PII with third-party sponsors of such Events (irrespective of whether we host them) or in accordance with the applicable rules. You should carefully review the rules of each event you participate in through the Site, as they may contain additional important information about’s or a sponsor’s use of your PII. To the extent that the terms and conditions of such rules concerning the treatment of your PII conflict with this Privacy Policy, the terms and conditions of such rules shall govern. If you do not want your information to be collected or shared with a third-party sponsor, you can choose not to participate in those events when the PII is collected.

In addition, certain PII, including your user name, town or city, and state, will be available to the public if you choose to participate in an Event and are featured in one of our ranking tables.

We also reserve the right to disclose your PII if we believe that we are required to do so: (a) by law; (b) to comply with legal processes or governmental requests; (c) to enforce our Terms of Service; (d) to protect our operations; (e) to protect the rights, privacy, safety or property of “,” you, or others; and (f) to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain. For example, to the fullest extent the law allows, we may disclose PII about you to law enforcement agencies to assist them in identifying individuals who have been or may be engaged in unlawful activities.

In addition, in the event of a merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of “” ‘s assets or stock (including without limitation in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings), any information collected by CPTED-Security.comon the Site may be transferred to its successor or assign if permitted by and done in accordance with applicable law.

(ii) Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Generally, Non-PII is collected by and its vendors, and may share Non-PII (which does not personally identify you) with our affiliates and with third parties for any purpose. This data is used to customize the content and advertising of the Site to deliver a better experience for our visitors. It can also help tailor “” ‘s products and services to meet the needs of our customers. For example, we may say a particular game title’s audience is X% female and Y% male.

Additionally, sends most of the advertisements you see when you visit the Site to your web browser. However, may allow other companies, called third-party ad servers, to serve advertisements within the Site. Please note that third-party ad servers may use cookies and other technologies to, among other things, record which ads your browser has seen and which Site pages you may have been viewing when the ads were delivered. This Privacy Policy does not apply to and cannot control the activities of these third-party ad servers. Suppose you want to prevent a third-party ad server from sending or reading cookies on your computer or collecting other non-PII about you. In that case, you must visit each company’s website individually and opt out.

What happens if I refuse to provide my Personally Identifiable Information to

If you choose not to submit PII when requested, you may be unable to use many of the features offered on the Site. For example, if you refuse to disclose your name or email address, you may be unable to submit a question to customer service or participate in an Event. However, you do not need to give us any PII to browse and view certain content on the Site.

What is “” ‘s policy regarding links to third-party sites?

You should be aware that while browsing the Site, you may be directed to third-party sites beyond our control and for which we are not responsible. Because we cannot guarantee that the privacy policies of such sites meet our high standards, we recommend that you read the privacy policy of the website to which you link before you submit any PII on such third-party sites.

Can I choose how my Personally Identifiable Information is used?

Suppose you do not want to receive our newsletters or other communications (excluding Critical Emails) from; please opt out of these services when registering or collecting PII. If you have opted in and wish to opt out later, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of your most current email from If you are experiencing problems with opting out, please contact at or. 333 Las Olas Way APT 1605, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Suppose you do not want us to share your PII with third-party sponsors of events or with other third parties for their marketing purposes (as stated in this Privacy Policy). You may opt out of such sharing by contacting at or the website contact page. Please note that opting out of having your PII shared with such third parties may limit your ability to participate in Events. In addition, to the extent that your PII has already been shared with such third parties, you will have to contact these third parties directly to opt-out in accordance with their privacy policies.

How can I access my Personally Identifiable Information?

We provide you with several options for reviewing, correcting, updating, or otherwise modifying PII that you have previously provided through the Site:

  1. You may contact us by email at
    2. You may contact us at

In each event, you must indicate the information you wish to change or want your PII removed from our database. We will endeavor to comply with your request as soon as reasonably possible.

Please note that we may need to retain certain information for recordkeeping purposes despite any removal or change to PII requested pursuant to this section. There may also be residual information within our databases and other records, which will not be removed or changed. We also reserve the right, from time to time, to re-contact former users of the Site. Finally, we are not responsible for informing third parties (including, without limitation, our third-party vendors and/or third-party sponsors) with whom we have already shared your PII of any changes requested pursuant to this section or for removing information from or causing information to be removed from the databases or records of such entities.

What safeguards does use to protect my Personally Identifiable Information? maintains appropriate safeguards that ensure the security, integrity, and privacy of the PII we collect and store about you. These safeguards include, among other things, limiting access to such data to those employees performing a legitimate business function; technical security measures, such as encryption or passwords, to prevent unauthorized access; and the storage of data on secure servers or computers inaccessible by modem.

We also have security measures to protect the information’s loss, misuse, and alteration under our control (i.e., maintain data quality). We also take reasonable steps to ensure that third parties to whom we transfer PII provide sufficient protection of such data.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, although we strive to protect your PII, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us through or in connection with the Site. No method of transmitting or storing data is completely secure. You acknowledge and agree that any information you share through the Site is transmitted at your own risk. Suppose you have reason to believe that your interaction with the Site is no longer secure. In that case, you must immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us in accordance with the section entitled “Contact Information” below (please note that physical mail notification will delay the time it takes for us to respond to the problem).‘s policy regarding children under the age of 13:

We do not knowingly collect PII from children under the age of 13. We recognize the importance of safeguarding children’s privacy and encourage parents to check and monitor their children’s use of online activities regularly. will not knowingly contact children under the age of 13 for special offers or marketing purposes. Certain web pages within our website require users to be at least 13 years of age; these pages require you to enter your date of birth, and anyone under 13 will be restricted from participating in such web page activities. No information submitted is stored if the year provided indicates that the guest/contestant is underage. We use cookies to ensure that this restriction persists. This may mean you cannot participate in some activities on the Site.

How do I ask a question or file a complaint? (Contact Information)

If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or our information collection practices, please get in touch with us by email at or by reaching us via the web at our Contact Us page