CPTED Certification Class Offered
Atlas offers a world-recognized CPTED Practitioners Certification program through Atlas Safety and Security Design Inc. and is approved at a Class B level of the International CPTED Association (ICA) Course Accreditation Program. The professional version has 30 AIA-accepted Health Safety Welfare (HSW) credits for architects and is accepted as a continuing education credit course for law enforcement certification, urban planners, landscape architects, and security directors needing credits for their Certified Protection Professional (CPP) certification from ASIS International. The course is offered every semester as an online E-Learning class that, upon your successful completion, issues a recognizable nationally accepted certificate signed by Randy Atlas, Ph.D., FAIA, CPP.
Designing Safe Communities with CPTED
CPTED or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, is a holistic approach to designing security into the built environment, making it more resilient and unattractive for incivilities, crime, violence, and terror. CPTED is based upon the concept that proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in both the incidence and fear of crime (a predatory stranger to stranger crime and terrorism) while improving the quality of life (where we live, work, and play). Numerous professional organizations and cities have adopted CPTED strategies developed from this multi-disciplinary approach. Designing Safe Communities with CPTED is a class that reflects the most current knowledge and practice of crime prevention into the built environment and is directly applicable to today’s world of threats and vulnerabilities, including street crime, workplace violence, and acts of terrorism.
Taught by America’s premier CPTED trainer, Dr. Atlas is a registered architect, criminologist, ASIS International Certified Protection Professional, and International CPTED Association CPTED Certified. This course represents the most complete and comprehensive collection of CPTED information to be readily accessible to the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, security, property management, education, and law enforcement communities. Facilitating understanding across different fields, this course explains the architecture process to security directors and the security design risk assessment process to architects.
Providing step-by-step guidance for applying real-world concepts, principles, and practices on building security and CPTED, the course starts with the risk threat assessment and considers the relevant factors and variables, all the way through design, construction, and post-occupancy evaluation. Highly relevant to critical infrastructure protection, this course demonstrates CPTED implementation in high-security environments, as well as public and private sector buildings, parks, hospitals, shopping centers, retail environments, single-family and multi-family housing, mixed-use environments, banks, and ATMs, universities and schools. The course addresses specialization in security system design and planning, crime prevention, blast mitigation, chemical, biological, and nuclear threat protection. Participants will learn how to design and apply the principles and practices of CPTED and how spaces and planning influence the behavior of the uses and users of facilities. Participants will have practical exercises and case studies, ultimately earning their Basic CPTED Practitioner certificate.
The course is a practical and realistic resource guide for architects, security directors, planners, law enforcement, Homeland Security professionals, building and property managers. Designing Safe Communities with CPTED addresses how CPTED is applicable to critical infrastructure protection in the continuing effort to protect against growing threats against our homeland security.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will receive their designation as a CPTED Practitioner and will have done hands-on practice in conducting CPTED assessments, plan reviews, and fieldwork. The Designing Safe Communities with CPTED course includes forty hours of instruction in Basic and Advanced skills in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). The course provides recipients with their CPTED Practitioner certificate that is accepted in Broward County, the State of Florida, and is recognized nationally and internationally.
Required Text: (available through the publisher):
The course is a practical resource and guide for architects, security directors, law enforcement, Homeland Security professionals, and building and property managers; Designing Safe Communities with CPTED addresses how CPTED is applicable to critical infrastructure protection in the continuing effort for homeland security. Persons completing the course are qualified to apply to the International CPTED Association, https://cpted.net/ICCP for CPTED certification, and the course fulfills a good portion of the required core competencies.
This class is worth the following CEUs
Architects = 30 AIA LU/HSW & State of Florida DPR
Landscape Architects = 40 State of Florida DPR
Planners and Urban Designers = 17 AICP CM credits
Security Professionals = 40 CEU Credits from ASIS International
The course is certified by:
Quality Matters eLearning Course
International CPTED Association
Required Text: (available through the publisher: http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439880210)
Atlas, Randy. (2013) 21st Century Security and CPTED. 2nd Edition. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group. Boca Raton.
Contact us at: (305) 332-6588 for information on class and enrollment details.
This course is not for college academic credit but strictly for continuing education learning units.
Course Cost: $600
Schedule CPTED Course
Our Security & CPTED Book
Designing for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Crime Prevention
Based on the tenets of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), the updated edition of this popular reference blends new design elements with the latest best-practice security measures. Illustrated with hundreds of photographs and line drawings, the text emphasizes consideration of security aspects throughout the design process, including how to take stock of open spaces, avoid blind corners, and use landscaping to create secure spaces.
Contact Us
We’re here to help.
An Atlas Professional is standing by ready to assist you.
333 Las Olas Way Suite 1605
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301
Ph: (305) 332-6588
But the class is well laid out, simple to follow, and all the information you need is there to help you complete the work (yes, even for a US Marine, as my co-workers said).
CPTED is everywhere and is here to stay. I was first introduced to CPTED in the early 2010s by Art Hushen, and he got me hooked on it.
This training class is put together by Randy Atlas, whom I credit with sparking further interest in what 2nd generation CPTED (and beyond) has to offer.
This is an amazing training, and as I wrote before, I highly recommend it to any CPTED practitioners, safety & security, architects, planners, and more.
Thank you, gentlemen, for all you do!