School and Campus Security and Safety Design

Creating a secure and safe school environment is crucial for the education process. To achieve this goal, security and CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) should be incorporated into the educational environment. Atlas Safety & Security Design Inc. offers the required security risk threat vulnerability assessment to ensure that the school is adequately threat vulnerability assessment to ensure that the school is adequately secured.  We can examine existing security delivery systems and determine if your school or university facilities meet industry standards and best practices. The scope of work uses the CPTED all-heard approach methodology that includes perimeter protection, security lighting, signage and wayfinding, interior space protection, access control, security glazing doors and hardware, shelter-in-place and evacuation technologies, emergency notification technologies, target hardening, video surveillance systems, and so much more. The interview below was taken days after the Stoneman Douglas School shooting, and the fact that renovations were undertaken to that school for improvements to the building envelope, based on funds from a school bond approved in 2014. The security consultant and budget was cut for the schools, while they were undertaking improvements to the doors, windows, roofs, and fire safety systems. The time to have made security improvements is exactly when the building was being renovated. Now the consequences of that decision can be seen first hand.

NBC 6’s Dan Krauth reports on the efforts to make schools safer following the Parkland school shooting.
(Published Thursday, Feb 22, 2018)

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